Living Life; In beauty and style

- Beauty is an experience, nothing else. - D. H. Lawrence Assorted Articles - A person is only beautiful, when their own beauty, is reflecting on to others. - Tara Grady - Those who look for beauty, find it. - Unknown - Beauty comes in all sizes; not just size 5. - Roseanne - Always remember that true beauty comes from within; from within bottles, jars, compacts, and tubes. - Peter's Almanac

Friday, May 27, 2005

The C word (Part 1)

Posted by Hello

Yes.. the word every woman fears.. Cellulite! Aaaarrggghhh... Here's a bit of an intro to the future we can't escape.

What is cellulite? - by

Cellulite is a common term used to describe superficial pockets of trapped fat, which cause uneven dimpling or “orange peel” skin. It appears in 90% of post-adolescent women and is rarely seen in men. Common but not exclusive areas where cellulite is found, are the thighs, buttocks, and the abdomen.

Who gets more cellulite? - by Madison (June'05)

The answer is surprising. Since cellulite occurs just beneath your skin - not deeper down where access fat is stockpiled - even stick-thin types can develop dimply thighs. However, cellulite can look far worse on heavier women. Getting to a healthy weight (but not below it) will probably improve your appearance. Avoid crash diets too as these can often be a cause of cellulite. Sudden weight loss or weight gain will make cellulite look worse.


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