Living Life; In beauty and style

- Beauty is an experience, nothing else. - D. H. Lawrence Assorted Articles - A person is only beautiful, when their own beauty, is reflecting on to others. - Tara Grady - Those who look for beauty, find it. - Unknown - Beauty comes in all sizes; not just size 5. - Roseanne - Always remember that true beauty comes from within; from within bottles, jars, compacts, and tubes. - Peter's Almanac

Friday, May 27, 2005

De-stress (Part 1)

- by Polly Blitzer for InStyle (June'05)

1. MAKE LISTS - using a support network is a great way to manage stress; "Get together with a group of girlfriends who have 'been there, done that' and talk openly about your concerns," says Brook Ramage, managing director of The Golden Door Australia.

2. BREATHE DEEPLY - Activities that involve deep breathing can help you achieve a state of profound rest, says Dr Herbert Benson, president of the Mind/Body Medical Institute in Massachusetts. The mind is more alert and your potential for creativity is greater.

3. BLOW OFF STEAM - "Laughter, exercise, music, massage, sleep and even crying are all ways to relieve stress," says Dr Deepak Chopra, founder of the Chopra Centers for Well Being, in California and New York.

4. CONFRONT YOUR STRESSORS - "Talk and think through what you're feeling," says Dr Chopra, "or you'll end up treating the symptoms, not their cause."

5. EASE YOUR SPINE - One of the great stress reliving yoga poses is the simple child pose, says Brigid Walsh of The Golden Door Health Retreat, Queensland. One a mat or carpeted floor, kneel, sit back on your heels and bring your forehead to the floor in front of your knees, letting your arms relax beside you with your hands near your feet. Breathe normally.

6. USE VISUALISATION - If an anxiety attack comes on, picture a simple image such as that of a tranquil ocean. Focus on it until you can perceive the details completely, says US psychotherapist Jo Ann Lederman.

7. COUNT IT OUT - Close your eyes, focus on your breathing, and tap each finger from one to 10 and back, says LA psychotherapist Greta Anger. If stressful thoughts intrude, start again.

8. BE A DIPLOMAT - "Criticism and controlling advice from relatives and friends can lead to guilt and resentment or anger," says Lederman. Dr Judith Orloff, clinical professor of psychiatry at the University of California, LA, recommends "firmly asserting yourself while showing respect and appreciation for others' input".

9. GET YOUR ZZZs - "Anxiety leads to insomnia, which leads to further anxiety," says Dr Vahid Mohsenin, director of the Yale Center for Sleep Medicine in the US. Avoid stimulants such as coffee, chocolate, tea, sugar and excercise within three hours of bedtime, says Dr Yosef Krespi, a New York-based sleep-disorder specialist.

10. TAKE IT IN YOUR STRIDE - Don't expect perfection on the big day. Have helpers on hand to deal with any problems, and try to go with the flow.


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